Easter Notices Community_news

Some of you will know that Masha and her two sons have arrived in our village, refugees from the war in their homeland. Masha's husband remains in Ukraine.

They are getting to grips with life in a new country and have received a warm welcome. When you see them please say 'hello" and make sure they know we support them in their plight.

And as well as giving them the practical help they need, please don't forget that we are asked to remember Ukraine in our prayers. Here's a special prayer for Ukraine.

Oh God of mercy and love,

we pray for your Spirit's transforming power

to be at work in the present situation of war in Ukraine.

We ask for softening of hard hearts and shelter for frightened souls.

Give us eyes and ears to perceive how we can offer help in the most appropriate way.

Gracious God, we cry out to you and ask for peace and safety for all those affected.

In Jesus' name.
