Notices Church_news

Churches Together in England (CTE) - along with partners Christian Aid and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) - are inviting Christians and churches to join together in an act of witness to pray and light candles for Ukraine, for an end to the war and for all those affected.

The Archbishop of Canterbury and CTE President, Justin Welby, said: "When we pray, we invite the presence of God into the messiness and darkness of our world.

"When we pray together, we witness to the possibility of unity and the promise of reconciliation that God promises us in Jesus Christ.

"I urge all Christians to come together on the 3rd of April to pray and light candles for the people and the peace of Ukraine: to pray for hope for those fearful of the future, to pray for God’s comfort for those suffering, and to pray for the Holy Spirit to turn hearts towards the compassion and justice that the resurrected Christ promises us will eventually prevail."