Lent Church_news

The function room at the Mosley Arms serves as a ­chapel for 100 people.

The Rev Ben Woodfield (pictured with his wife Amy), who led last week’s gathering, said: “Our aim is for people to relax.

"It’s very informal with lively songs, interactive talks and group discussions.”

It came about after landlady Bernie Bates was approached by a pal about using the pub in Bolton, Gtr Manchester, for worship.

Bernie said its 10.30am weekly service appeals to people reluctant to go to a traditional church or who do not have access to one.

She added: “Our first service drew in people of all ages — from babes in arms to adults in their 80s.”

The pub’s owner, brewery Joseph Holt, give up the room for free.

Mr Woodfield co-leads the ­Antioch Network — an organisation aimed at setting up contemporary Anglican services in urban communities.

He said: “The Mosley Arms is in the heart of the community and the perfect place to start a regular Sunday service.”