Our joint parish Holy Communion service tomorrow is at St Mary and All Saints' Church, Dunsfold at 10am. Our celebrant is Reverend Rutton Viccajee.
We hope you be with us but if you're housebound or elsewhere you can join us via this Zoom link.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5253921788?pwd=MC9kNmpldmFrRSsrV1pkc1k5aU1vZz09
Also, don't forget that Sheila Jones is hosting our next Lent lunch, next Thursday. She still has some places available so please call her on 200204 and you can help our parish raise funds for the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund.
We hope you be with us but if you're housebound or elsewhere you can join us via this Zoom link.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5253921788?pwd=MC9kNmpldmFrRSsrV1pkc1k5aU1vZz09
Also, don't forget that Sheila Jones is hosting our next Lent lunch, next Thursday. She still has some places available so please call her on 200204 and you can help our parish raise funds for the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund.