
Like millions of people around the world, I have watched, listened and read in horror as I have seen the reports from Ukraine and neighbouring countries of the war being waged and its impact on the countries around.

I have been struck by the bravery and courage of the Ukrainian people, and the hospitality being shown by bordering countries as they take in refugees.

And I have also been impressed by the work of journalists from around the world, seeking to report the unfolding crisis. Without them, we would not have objective reports from the frontline and the cities under fire.

In response, I wrote this prayer for use in places of worship to support the vital work being done by the media in Ukraine – and also in Russia. There, despite heavy censorship, some reports are circulating telling the true story of the war in Ukraine.

I offer the prayer as a resource for Christians and churches to use, alongside their other prayers for peace, for safety, and for justice for the Ukrainian people.

Dear God,
Be with those who bring us the news,
Especially those reporting from Ukraine in these dark days of war.
Protect the journalists, camera operators, technicians, producers, translators and support staff,
And everyone committed to telling the true story of this conflict.
Be too with the brave journalists in Russia, who seek to tell their own people
About the realities of the bloody war.
Help us to be discerning in how we consume our news,
Always seeking for truth in a world of fake news and disinformation.
We pray this in the name of Almighty God, who seeks justice and peace
in a world of turmoil.


Rev Peter Crumpler is a Church of England minister in St Albans, Herts, UK. He trained and worked as a journalist and is a former communications director with the CofE.