Lent Notices Church_news
On Wednesday (March 2nd) we mark Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.There will be an Ash Wednesday Holy Communion and imposition of ashes service at St Mary and All Saints' Church, Dunsfold at 10am. St Peter's Church, Hascombe will hold their Ash Wednesday Holy Communion service at 7.30pm on Wednesday evening.On Thursday, March 3rd, we will be holding the first of our six Lent course meetings which this year are being held in the Vestry at Hascombe Church starting at 7pm. We will be studying a book called The Journey by John Pritchard, the former Bishop of Oxford.The meeting will last an hour and if you can't be with us in person, or prefer to join us from your home, please click on the following link. The Zoom connection will go live at 6.50pm.