
I hope many of you were among the thousands who were inspired by Space and Life, the recent illuminated show at our Cathedral. Using the wonderful and expansive interior of the building the artistic duo, Luxmuralis, presented a programme which began by taking us to the outer edges of our galaxy and moving us to consider the beautiful detail of creation and reflect upon our relationship with all that God has created.

Space and Life is just one feature of our celebrations of 60 years of being the cathedral for the ‘new’ diocese of Guildford. Last November Bishop Andrew (who shares the 60th anniversary) presented us with a beautiful setting of the Mass – his Diamond Mass and it was sung for the first time. During the Christmas and Epiphany season the church schools of our diocese joined us in presenting displays of artwork with the theme, ‘Everyone is welcome’, with some amazing creations based on the plight of refugees and our welcome for all. Collaboration with our schools continues with a Schools’ Eco Day in early March, and I am really looking forward to the Year 6 Leavers’ Services at the end of the summer term – one of the highlights of the entire year.

We have moved into the new context and are now welcoming back hundreds each week for prayer, worship, art, music, reflection and fellowship. Our cathedral offers parishes and deaneries Quiet Days, led retreats and space for prayer and personal reflection. Now that we all have a bit more freedom to move around the diocese, I’d love to be invited to take part in the life of your church or school. Just get in touch.

Please pray for God’s mission at our cathedral as we pray regularly for you in your own ministry and service.