
One of the best things about being a Director of Ordinands is hearing peoples’ stories and the way God has met them, is changing them and inviting them to respond obediently and sacrificially as they consider a call to ordination. It’s wonderful!

It often reminds me of my own faith journey. One key moment for me was sitting on my bed as a teenager listening to terrible Christian rock music. (A wonderfully faithful but strict upbringing meant no secular music. Instead I discovered the delights of One Bad Pig (punk), X-Sinner (AC/DC rip-off), and the like. I’m really not sure which would have been worse…).

One band (DeGarmo and Key – don’t bother looking them up!) had a song called The Pledge with the refrain, “He died for me, I’ll live for him.” To my forming teenage faith, despite the simplicity, this was a profound realisation and moment of calling. It began in me a desire to serve wherever Christ led.

And this weekend we’ll celebrate 29 people who have similarly heard God’s call, each in their own way, and responded by giving their all to serve within the Church as ordained ministers.

In their ordination service, the 16 new deacons will hear the Bishop’s charge “to proclaim the gospel in word and deed, as agents of God’s purposes of love… to serve the community in which they are set… to search out the poor and weak, the sick and lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless… that the love of God may be made visible.”

To be ordained, is to serve within the Church, in Christ’s strength and for his glory.

But even more fundamental is the belief that to be baptized is receive Christ’s commission, in everything, to live in Him and for Him. Is that a reminder you need to hear today?

Do join in with the livestream of one of our four ordination services if you can In so doing, perhaps it will give you opportunity to reflect afresh on your own journey, bringing a reminder of Christ’s gracious call, and opportunity to renew His vision for your life, service and ministry – lay or ordained.