Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

These are difficult, worrying times for us all. We are living in an unprecedented era of medical emergency so it’s completely understandable for people to be anxious, troubled, lonely and perhaps depressed.

The Dunsfold Church Community is here to help you. Jesus taught us “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me.”

Inviting people in may be off our agenda in the current coronavirus crisis but the sentiments remain absolutely correct. And as Jesus promised: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Revd Ian Maslin is now living in the Rectory, Church Green, Dunsfold. We are setting up a network of support workers to help the people of Dunsfold in any way we can. That may be in running errands, helping with shopping and other practical tasks. Or, and this has already become evident, it may be in making regular contact through telephone calls and emails to people who are feeling lonely.

If you want our help please do not hesitate to call the people whose numbers are listed below. As a community we can come together. If you are in isolation, or feeling isolated, you are not alone. We are here to help. Likewise, if you’d like to join our band of volunteers you can sign up by calling us.

Finally, let us share in our prayers part of a very relevant collect for Lent. “Give us grace to endure the sufferings of this present time with sure confidence in the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”

Reverend Ian Maslin 200048 [email protected]

Sheila Jones Churchwarden 200204 [email protected]

David Walker Churchwarden 201140 [email protected]