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Rev'd Rutton Viccajee - Thank you and Farewell Arrangements.

Rutton's time with us as Minister for Dunsfold & Hascombe is almost at an end. His last service will be on the 28th January at St Peter's Church, Hascombe (21st January at St Mary & All Saints' Church, Dunsfold).

All are very welcome to join a "bring & share" thank you lunch for Rutton at Hascombe Village Hall after the Hascombe service on the 28th January.

Please contact Sandy Crowther if you are planning to come along: [email protected].

If you would like to contribute to a farewell gift for Rutton, please contact Churchwarden Sheila: [email protected]. If contributing via BACS transfer to the church, please include “for Rutton” in the payment reference. Here are the bank details you will require.

Account name: Dunsfold PCC

Sort code 30-94-41

Account number - 01828639

Finally... if you (and your children) enjoyed the spectacular Crib Service on Christmas Eve, our children's church Funday@4 Service this month will take place on 28th January at 4pm in Hascombe Village Hall (after the farewell lunch).

All are very welcome!