Search for new Rector

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The PCC’s of Dunsfold and Hascombe are delighted to announce that we will be advertising for a new rector to lead us in our ministry.

It has been agreed that we will advertise for a half stipend priest, who will live in the Rectory and who will work 3 days a week plus every Sunday. The successful candidate will split their time equally between both Hascombe and Dunsfold.

As a rough timeline, it is hoped that we can advertise for the post early in the New Year, with interviews potentially taking place in February or March. If we find a suitable candidate and appoint, it is hoped that they can move into the rectory once the current tenancy has expired in July.

We have a clear mandate for the qualities that we are looking to recruit for in our new priest. We are searching for someone that is passionate, creative and who will put outreach at the forefront of their ministry. We would love someone who will place our churches at the heart of our communities. And of course a leader who will build our congregations and inspire a new generation in faith.

We will make available a copy of the Parish profile for review. If you wish to comment please send any correspondence to Mark Edsall at [email protected]. Mark will compile any suggestions and feedback to the interviewing panel.

For now, please continue to pray that we can attract someone with a calling to our beautiful villages and churches.

Finally… we must recognise the massive contribution that Rutton has made in supporting our parishes over the last two years. Thank you Rutton for your commitment to our churches, for your ministry, passion and service.