The chefs are preparing the food and questions are being set for the quiz. Tickets are selling well so please grab the last few so you can join the fun on Saturday night. It will be another great, fun event at the Winn Hall.

It's taking place on Saturday, September 30th at 6pm in the Winn Hall, Dunsfold.

Cost: £15 (adult) and £5 (children under 16)

Includes a two-course supper and quiz entry (teams of 6-8)

All are welcome to come along and enjoy some tasty homemade food and get your brains engaged with the fun quiz while enjoying great company and conversation.

Please bring cash for the brand tombola! All proceeds for the evening will go to the church - we appreciate your support.

For tickets please email Roger Nash at [email protected] or pop into the Village Shop or Sun Inn.