Related Churches
Ranmore: St Barnabas
St Barnabas' Church on Ranmore Common – postcode RH5 6SP – has been known as "The Church on the North Downs Way" for many years and more recently was referred to as "My other Cathedral in the Woods" by the former Bishop [Christopher] of Guildford.
Our worship life is founded on the services from the Book of Common Prayer, and we seek to to deepen our life of prayer and discipleship through the words of the traditional Church of England liturgy. Our spirituality is centred on scripture and sacraments, and it is though liturgy, hymns, quiet reflection and choral music that we encounter the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus. Our community extends a warm welcome to parishioners, visitors and passing pilgrims.
If you would like to find out about christenings, weddings or funerals, please contact the parish office through the link on this site. If you would like to find out more about how faith in Christ can transform your life, please follow the Everyday Faith link on this site.
You can download the benefice weekly newlater and the St Barnabas monthly Newsletter through the News + Notices page. These will give you and idea of life at St Barnabas and you can also down load the leaflets about the history of the church. If you are reading this on a tablet it works best in the landscape format and if you are using a phone there is a Menu line at the bottom which leads you into the rest of the site.
We have an associated website – (you can click on this) – which was inspired by the names of the men "who went forth from this parish at the call of duty and fell in the Great War" who are listed on the memorial plaque on the wall of the nave in the church. It also contains background information on the Denbies Estate and the Cubitt family.
St Martin's Dorking
The church of St Martin's Dorking is the mother church of Dorking and is the civic church for the town. The church building is one of the largest in Guildford diocese and the spire is one of the highest in the UK. The current church dates from the 1870s and is the third church built on the site. We are open all day for visitors and pilgrims throughout the year. The church community celebrates the love of Christ in a variety of worship and social activity. Our Christian worship is centred on scripture and the sacraments, and through these we receive God's truth, love and grace.
The church is open for private prayer everyday from 9am. There is a prayer reource area in the nave, and the blessed sacrament is reserved in the Lady Chapel (which is set aside as a quiet area for prayer and worship).
If you want to find out more about the Christian faith, please contact us.
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