About Us
This Lutyens-designed church in the village of Pixham to the East of Dorking is a daughter church of St Martin's Dorking. Its normal monthly pattern of Sunday service is:
First - Holy Communion at 10.30am
Second - Morning Prayer at 10.30am
Third - Pixham Praise (followed by short service of Holy Communion) at 10.30am
Fourth - Songs of Praise at 10.30am
Fifth - Informal Family Praise at 10.30am
Because we share resources with St Martin's, our services and events are listed in their magazine and weekly news sheet, and on their website.
As members of St Martin's Church and St Mary's Pixham, we commit our church community to the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of all. If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our safeguarding officer:-
Anne Whibberley 01306-889039 email [email protected]
For further information please see our safeguarding page.