The church of St Martin's Dorking is the mother church of Dorking and is the civic church for the town. The church building is one of the largest in Guildford diocese and the spire is one of the highest in the UK. The current church dates from the 1870s and is the third church built on the site. We are open all day for visitors and pilgrims throughout the year. The church community celebrates the love of Christ in a variety of worship and social activity. Our Christian worship is centred on scripture and the sacraments, and through these we receive God's truth, love and grace.
The church is open for private prayer everyday from 9am. There is a prayer reource area in the nave, and the blessed sacrament is reserved in the Lady Chapel (which is set aside as a quiet area for prayer and worship).
If you want to find out more about the Christian faith, please contact us.
St Martin's Dorking Charity No. 1133695