Our Volunteers

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Here at St Mary's we are very blessed and grateful for many volunteers who give of their time and their talents .Without them, our mission to be a beacon of light and of service to the wider community would be much diminished. We are however, always in need and very grateful for more volunteers to assist us in many areas..no matter how little or how much time you are able and comfortable to give. Please, if you do feel the call or have the willingness to be able to contribute to any area, no matter how small ,your support will always be valued and needed. Please contact us via this page, our Parish office or via the website. All details to the left of this page. Many thanks.Today, we would like to mention our small but dedicated Gardening team who do a splendid job throughout the year maintaining our grounds and gardens. This involves multiple tasks such as weeding ,pruning, grass and hedge cutting, litter picking, car park maintenance, gutter and drain clearing, watering, leaf clearing etc.Without them our grounds and gardens would not look so beautiful .St Mary's has a Garden of Remembrance where posts are erected and plaques attached in memory of loved ones. To have a plaque, please contact our Parish office. The procedure then entails filling in a short form and a payment. The gardening team will then ensure the plaque is displayed on one of the dedicated Remembrance posts in the garden