Here at St Mary's, we're very proud of our grounds and gardens and very grateful of our small group of volunteers who give of their time and talents in maintaining them. Maintenance of the grounds and gardens,, including our memorial garden is an all year round task. We are always grateful and very warmly welcome anyone else who might have a little ( or more time to give) to assist our small group of volunteers on an ad-hoc or more regular basis.The tasks needed to maintain <a></a>the grounds vary from season to season, but include grass mowing, hedge trimming, watering and weeding of the flower beds. If you love the fresh air and are looking to give a little of your time with the satisfaction of helping us keep our grounds beautiful, please do contact us for further details ( with Shaun, Gardening in the subject line. Many thanks
CONFIRMATION.Here at St Mary's we are delighted that there are some young people and Adults who have expressed a wish to be confirmed. There will be a service of confirmation at St Mary's on Sunday 9th March @ 6.30pm. Conducted by Bishop Andrew, all are very warmly welcomed to join us.The service will be for the Epsom deanery and we welcome candidates from other parishes in the deanery..If you would like to think about confirmation or know of someone who may be interested, <a></a>please do contact us and we will be very happy to give you more details. Our Priests here John and Maggie can answer any questions you may have or give you more details via our parish office ( Please also read below a simple brief guide as to what confirmation is about.Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized. If you were baptized at a christening when you were a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ. At a confirmation service, you make these promises for yourself. Your friends and family as well as the local Christian community will be there to promise to support and pray for you
A very happy new year to all!Our ever popular Toddler group restarts after the holiday period THIS Friday 10th January at 10am in the Cuddington hall.Everyone is very welcome,no need to book just turn up.There is a £3 charge per family to cover the cost of materials and refreshments,but please email Daphne if this presents any difficulty.( Toddler group in the subject line).Daphne and her loyal group of volunteers are very much looking <a></a>forward to welcoming the Children and their parent/ Guardians back again!
ESSENTIAL WORK AT St MARY'SYou may have noticed of late some scaffolding and a crane around St Mary's. Our last Quinquennial inspection of the church identified a lot of necessary work to the roof and other areas. Some of the repairs were carried out internally by volunteers and other much more major work was delayed for as long as possible to preserve funds. The areas requiring scaffolding and a crane for high work is now in the stages of being completed to ensure that <a></a>worship can continue in a dry and secure space.This Sunday 1st December, we officially are holding a 'GIFT DAY' where members of our congregation and others who may be in a position to contribute are invited to support our fundraising appeal for this urgent work.. no matter how large or small.. Everyone is valued whether they are in a position to offer anything donation wise or not. It goes without saying that these are tough economic times for a great many and we value many volunteers who also give of their talents and precious time.If you are able to support St Mary's now or in the future, we have many ways that you can contribute.We have a card reader at the back of the ChurchA parish giving scheme can be found at <a href="[0]=AT2UjCeIeZ-TmxbimUGKWBpJpltT2uqrKDzNEC-auYqYNR4yWEdbCO-BVz9L6ae7OXe-hFZI5lNfDYaFkDGTabfagpCNIPxDl464-BdEHNgG10gVwJJ-w9kBfanlVAVieuc2IO9-6e68SNWhGX7lQfRR3x0gRSb79_hjzwAwL0OfjLOHlhvWqeg7OuHDcJNGrlsxZtvUqDdGrfkYoBUxEeKCPQ"></a>One off donations on our gift day or ANYTIMEOur treasury box at the back of the Church where individual donations less that £30 can have gift aid claimed on them under the Gift aid small donation scheme.Please feel free to message or email us for further information on envelope scheme, gift aid,bequests and legacies.St Mary's exists to be a beacon of light, sharing God's love throughout the community we serve.EVERYONE is valued without exception.