Midweek Said Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St George the Martyr, Borough High Street
Borough High Street Southwark London, SE1 1JA, United Kingdom

You are welcome to join us at our short Mid-week Said Eucharist in church. This is a shorter service lasting about half an hour and including a 5 minute homily on the readings for the day. Ideal for lunch hours

Midweek Mass - Wednesdays

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St George the Martyr, Borough High Street
Borough High Street Southwark London, SE1 1JA, United Kingdom

This service is a special intimate time of prayer in the middle of the week, to soothe the soul and to keep us focussed on God between Sundays. It is a short service lasting around 30 minutes. Everyone is welcome to come along and encounter God in his word and through the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist.

Parish Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St George the Martyr, Borough High Street
Borough High Street Southwark London, SE1 1JA, United Kingdom

Join us for our weekly Eucharist in the church and also livestreamed on Facebook at www.facebook.com/georgethemartyr. Our eucharist follows the lectionary readings and the Common Worship pattern in a liberal anglocatholic tradition. The service is usually followed by refreshments.

Sung Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St George the Martyr, Borough High Street
Borough High Street Southwark London, SE1 1JA, United Kingdom

Sunday morning Mass is our main gathering of the week. Everything we do in our lives looks towards meeting God's love in this weekly celebration and our strength is found here. It is at Mass that we receive Christ into our hearts and our lives in Holy Communion, the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. We learn about how God works in our lives. We share in each other's joys and sorrows. Everyone is welcome - new people, young people, older people, people that have never darkened the door of a church, or people who want to find peace or return to Church again, after an absence. Everyone is given a special place.