Facilities and features


There is a toilet in the church as well as in the neighbouring hall suite.

Baby changing facilities in the hall suite.

Bike rack
Car Park / Parking Available

Accessible toilet in the hall, just opposite the church door.

Accessible car parking

Held within Church Gate House

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Gluten-free refreshments

Our Building

In normal (non-Covid) times, the church is open at certain times with Church watchers in attendance.

We have a Silver Eco-Church award

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing
Concerts / Live Music

8am Holy Communion

The choir sing most Sundays, including with the Worship Band, and typically sing an anthem on the Second Sunday & some other occasions. More singers welcome!

The Worship Band plays for most family services and some other Sundays and special services. We have a blend of musical styles, old & new, together.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Brass Rubbing
Nurture Courses

House Groups typically involve Bible Study. We have occasional open courses such as The Bible Course and occasional sermon series.

Coming up in August 2023 - The Greatest Treasure, our pirate themed Holiday Club. On August 30th, 31st and 1st Sept,
booking via our website www.sac.church

Meet once a month on the 4th Thursday of the month.

There is a Wednesday morning Parents - and carers - and toddlers group - Little Fishes

Help for Visitors

by arrangement

Guidebooks / Notes

Coffee available in a pop-in Welcome Area in Church Gate House on week day mornings.

During specific times only.

Other Features


We are involved with the Cobham Foodbank, currently hosted at the Cobham Combined Church.

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area

Church Gate House is a lovely setting next to the River Mole in Cobham. We have a choice of hall or small Lounge to hire, both have access to our lovely garden.