Facilities and features


There are two toilets at the church.
One is accessible - suitable for multiple needs.
One is adapted for children to use.

Baby changing facilities are available.

Car Park / Parking Available

We have an accessible toilet.
Easy to use door handle, handrails.

Accessible car parking

We have ramped access to the side of the Church.

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Dementia Aware / Accessible
Gluten-free refreshments

Our Building

We have some amazing stained glass windows at St Michaels.
Please look at the website for photographs and more details.
website: stmichaelscamberley.com

We have the Bronze Eco Church Award Certificate.
We are working on becoming even more eco friendly by looking at the following at the church:
Renewable energy
Install automatic movement sensors to switch off lights
Solar panels
ASHP for heating/hot water
Green suppliers
Introduce double-sided printing to reduce paper waste
Implement an e-waste policy to properly recycle everything
Donate old but still functioning electronic devices to charity
Promote the purchase of second hand furniture
Change to A+++ electrical appliances
Insulation of windows and doors
Gardening, landscape and biodiversity
Grow our own flowers
Introduce non-toxic cleaning products
Low-carbon transport
Clean water
Store rainwater from rooftops in tanks
Install water saving devices in toilets and tabs
A good sustainability project idea is to use rainwater to flush toilets
Organic food

Listed Building

Music and Worship

St Michael's Yorktown has a peal of eight bells, and an active band who ring for Sunday morning service and for special occasions such as weddings. We practice on Wednesday nights and are always pleased to welcome both visiting ringers and people wishing to learn.

The tower currently has more than a dozen members and we have a number of regular visitors from nearby towers. We ring a variety of methods on practice night ranging from Plain Bob and Grandsire doubles through to the 'standard eight' Surprise Major.

Practice night: Wed 7.45pm - 9:00pm St Michael's Camberley

Service Ringing: Sun 9:50-10:25am

Tower Captain - David Pearson 01276 504020

Please contact David for more information on bellringing at St Michaels, and to check if we are ringing if you are planning a visit.


Every Sunday at 9.00am

Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

We have a growing in number Youth Group who meet Fridays ( term time) in the Church Hall at 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Please contact Tori Burness Smith - Children and Youth Worker on 07312467273 for more details

Nurture Courses

If you are interested in joining an Alpha Course then please contact the Parish Office : [email protected]

Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm
When: Every Wednesday
Where: In the Church Hall

Come and join us for tea, coffee, and community where we chat, play games and get to know one another.

Knit & Natter Group

Our friendly Knit & Natter group meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 10am to 11.30am in St Michaels Church Hall.

All ages and abilities are welcome.

Bring along your own projects or just come for a natter and see what others are working on.

It is a great way to get inspired, pick up tips and make new friends.

For more information please contact: Elaine Pavey via the parish office:

E-MAIL: [email protected]

Mothers’ Union is a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change. Why not put your faith into action by joining us as we work together for a better world?
At St Michael's we meet the second Tuesday every month in the church hall at 2 pm
We usually start with prayers then a speaker or a topic that members join in to talk about.
Finishing with tea and biscuits

"Fireflies" second Thursday of the month at 10.00am in the Church Hall
Link to website: https://my.church123.com/go/site/editpages/#542A0B5F-C0F1-4412-82D5-46566EA76BFB

Help for Visitors

Free wifi
Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features


We support the Besom charity

Hire our hall

We have a lovely, warm welcoming Hall. It seats 40 in comfort, 60 at a pinch, and hire includes use of the kitchen.

We welcome enquiries about possible long-term contracts and from occasional hirers. We are especially suitable for children’s parties.

We are glad to be hosts to:

Camberley & District Stamp Club

Camberley U3A have several groups that meet in our Hall.

Camberley Speakers- a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping people develop public speaking and leadership skills.

For details, contact the Parish Office by phone or email.

Tel: 01276 23602

Email: [email protected]