Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

Our church is open every day.

Stained Glass
Listed Building

Music and Worship

Tower Captain: Brian Kingshott

The Holy Trinity bells are rung before 9:45 Eucharist every Sunday as long as we can raise 6 fit ringers. The bell ringers practise most Thursday evenings for an hour, starting at 8:00 pm and adjourning to the Jolly Farmer promptly at 9:00 pm. New ringers are needed. Contact the church office or our churchwardens to volunteer or find out more.

The ringers are available to ring for weddings and special occasions as required.

The bells were retuned and rehung in 2017 and rededicated at a special service in February 2018.

To coincide with the 275th anniversary of the first installation of bells at Holy Trinity, and to help raise funds both for the bell re-tuning and rehanging in 2017 and also for the Church, Richard Seaborne compiled a book entitled Holy Trinity Bramley - The Church and its Bells. This is still on sale for £8.99. Please contact the Parish Office during opening hours (9.00am - 1.00pm Monday and Thursday) or the author if you would like a copy.

At Holy Trinity Bramley bells have been rung from the tower for 275 years. They remind everyone who hears them that the church is alive, and they ring regularly to announce that worship is taking place and also ring for weddings, festivals, special and national events.

The bells are rung ‘full circle’ in a uniquely English manner, part of our cultural heritage. We have 6 bells, the heaviest ‘Tenor’ bell weighing about 8.5 cwts. Metal from the 5 original bells was recast in 1911 (the Tenor in 1891) when a new cast iron frame replaced the original timber supports. Associated with the bells are a host of fittings – wheels, stays, headstocks etc. all in timber. Since 1911 very little had changed, and age took its toll to make the bells very difficult to ring. To modern standards they were not only difficult to ring but, because tuning techniques 105 years ago were a bit crude, the bells sounded musically poor. The major works in 2017-18 were needed to improve the handling of the bells, improve the sound quality (retune), to ensure they were safe and relatively maintenance free and to bring the peal of bells up to modern standards.

None of that work would have been possible without the support and financial backing of so many individuals and organisations. We give our sincere thanks to all involved – through their hard work, dedication and generosity we have achieved our goal and rejoice that we have a richer, fuller sound from the restored bells.

Frequent concerts are held at Holy Trinity organised by Bramley Music. Please visit our website to find out about the latest concert: https://www.holytrinitybramley.org.uk/bramleymusic.htm

Book of Common Prayer Services

The Holy Trinity, Bramley choir sings each Sunday during the 9.45 service. Each week the choir deliver an anthem during communion. These are sacred songs, both modern and traditional.

The choir sings in 3 parts, soprano, alto and bass currently, though we would welcome anyone wishing to sing tenor. St Catherine's School, Bramley, is affiliated to the church and the choir is augmented by St Catherine's boarders. There is no audition process and we welcome and cater for singers of any level from novice to seasoned singer.

Choir practice is at 10.45 am on a Sunday after the 9.45 am service when the anthems for the next 3 weeks are practised and we also meet before the service at 9 am to run through that week's anthem . The practices as informal and friendly and everyone is welcome.

At the major points in the liturgical year, appropriate anthems (songs) are sung, and at Christmas we augment the choir with friends and local families, the emphasis being on communal singing, culminating in the 9 Lessons and Carols service where we sing a mix of traditional congregational Carol's and choir oriented anthems.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Nurture Courses

Trinity Toddlers meet in the Parish Room at Holy Trinity Church, Bramley from 10am to 11.30am every Wednesday during term time.

Help for Visitors

Every day, 9.00am to 6.00pm

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area

We have a parish room with an attached kitchen. It is available for hire for children's parties, wedding receptions etc.