About Us
The Bourne Parish includes three churches of very different styles, covering the residential area of Farnham south of the railway line. The largest is St. Thomas-on-The Bourne, a busy parish church with a strong choral tradition and people from all backgrounds and churchmanships in its congregation. Our morning Eucharist has a fairly formal feel to it, with an anthem and communion setting sung by the choir. On the first Sunday of the month there is a less formal Family Communion, with participation by the children, who on other Sundays enjoy the activities in Junior Church. Our evening services include Prayer Book Choral Evensong, Celtic style meditation, lay-led Evening Prayer, and services of readings and songs. In addition we offer special additional services at the appropriate time of year.
St. Martin's by the Green is a smaller, more informal church which alternates its morning service between a Eucharist and a less formal Morning Praise. It also hosts the fortnightly gather@4 congregation, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month; a 40 minute interactive, informal service at 4 pm for all ages to worship together, followed by food and chat.
Brambleton Hall has a faithful group of worshippers who meet weekly for worship in this multi-purpose hall which is much used by its local community.
All three churches love to welcome newcomers and provide coffee at the end of the service for a chance to chat. St Thomas has a parish office open on weekday mornings - do pop in and collect a "Welcome Pack" at your convenience.
We look forward to the opportunity of meeting you and worshipping the living God together.