Choir and Music

All Saints’ Church has a four-part robed choir comprising both adults and young people.

The choir leads the congregation every Sunday morning and at major festivals in the hymns and ordinary of the Sung Eucharist, sings the appointed psalm, and also an anthem during communion. At Choral Evensong, held once a month and attracting singers from other churches, they lead the hymns and sing the responses, canticles, psalm and anthem.  We are now live-streaming Choral Evensong at  

While many choirs throughout the land collapsed as a consequence of the pandemic All Saints’, through the development of a virtual choir, managed to keep going so, when constraints of infection receded, the choir was still functioning.

The choir is much appreciated by the congregation who find their contribution most helpful in their worship of Our Lord.

In recent years the preparation and presentation of a major work on Palm Sunday evening has attracted a significant congregation. Offered principally as an act of worship it has also proven most worthwhile as an act of outreach. In 2024 we sang Bach’s St Luke Passion, and in 2025 we plant o present Stainer's Crucifixion.

The recruitment of Junior choristers was not possible during the pandemic but we are now seeking to attract new singers who will, as usual, be trained according to the RSCM scheme. They will be joining an enthusiastic and committed group who are keen to utilize their God-given talents to assist worshippers develop a deeper understanding and faith.

An organ scholarship is available.