ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH welcomes you to any or all of these special Easter servicesPalm Sunday, 13th April 9.30am Palm Sunday Eucharist with Blessing of the Palms & Procession 6.30pm Stainer’s Crucifixion – a sung meditation on Christ’s PassionHoly Week - Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th April 12.00 noon Stations of the CrossMaundy Thursday, 17th April 7.30pm The Lord’s Supper with Washing of Feet 9.00 pm Watch of Prayer till midnightGOOD FRIDAY, 18th April 12.0 noon to 1.10pm Readings, Hymns & Reflections 1.30-3.00pm Good Friday Service with Veneration of the CrossHoly Saturday, 19th April 9.00am Service of Penance EASTER SUNDAY, 20th April 6.00am Service of Light and First Mass of Easter 9.30am Sung Parish Easter Eucharist 6.30pm Festal Choral Evensong
Sycamore is an informal course about the Christian faith and its relevance for life today. We're offering it as a space to meet other people, share ideas, explore what you believe, and think about questions that really matter.Each Sycamore session involves a short film and plenty of time for discussion. Everyone is very welcome, whether you're a churchgoer or not. Do come to a session on any Monday evening at 7.00pm and see what you think. We're in the Orchard Room of the Church Institute (High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN).No commitment, just an offer of cake, a hot drink and a warm welcome. If you'd like to know more ask Revd Kate at