Sunday Service 10:30am
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
- Venue
- Ash Vale: St Mary
- Address Vale Road Ash Vale Aldershot, GU12 5JE, United Kingdom
Our Sunday services are family friendly and all are welcome. Revd Neil Lambert celebrates Holy Communion most weeks, and we have a wonderful team who take occasional turns to preach.
We offer Sunday School each week during the service, and children are free to choose whether to take part in the main service or attend Sunday school. (Children under 3yrs need to be accompanied by a supervising adult)
We have a rich and varied congregation, and enjoy include all kinds of church music from traditional hymns to new modern music introduced to us by members of the worship team. We are also fortunate to have a flexible space and movable chairs, so we alternate the church layout every 2 weeks between "east facing" in traditional rows and "in the round".
There is prayer ministry available after the service in church, and refreshments in the hall. We look forward to welcoming you.
If you would like to join us on Zoom please text or WhatsApp to 07730 609446 for the link.