Our Regular Worship Pattern

Our Regular Worship Pattern

1st Sunday of the month

8.45 am BCP Morning Prayer at St John the Baptist, Loxwood

10am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Loxwood

6.30 pm Evensong at St Nicholas, Alfold

2nd Sunday of the month

8.45 am BCP Morning Prayer at St Nicholas, Alfold

10am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Alfold

3rd Sunday of the month

8.45 am BCP Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Loxwood

10am Morning Praise at St John the Baptist, Loxwood

4th Sunday of the month

8.45 am BCP Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Alfold

10am Morning Praise at St Nicholas, Alfold

Pilgrim Courses are held weekly please contact the parish office for further details.

Web site: www.alflox.org