Facilities and features


Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

Stained Glass

Drop into Alfold Church Room on a Tuesday anytime from 10am-12pm and be sure of a warm reception - in fact a 5-star reception, thanks to our recent food hygiene report :-)

Listed Building

Music and Worship

We're very proud of the wonderful bells we have at St. Nicholas Church in Alfold. We have a very committed group of Bellringers who practice most Tuesday evenings, and ring on various Sunday's throughout the year, not to mention the many weddings we have in the summer. Please do email Alex Martens if you'd like to join the Bellringers.

Book of Common Prayer Services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Revved Up is for children in years 3-6 at Primary School. It's revved up because it's high energy, properly loud and each week we take a quick look to see why God is the most revved up!
Revved Up takes place every Monday during term time from 3.15-4.15pm at Loxwood Primary School Hall.
We play a wide variety of games allowing all ages to play and have an amazing time! We offer free drinks and snacks. Revved Up ends its time with one of our leaders sharing a two minute thought from the Bible.

A group for 12-18 year olds

We hear the same thing everywhere we turn: kids these days grow up with huge pressure in their lives! A pressure which causes unnecessary fear. Fear over exams, fear over relationship, fear in relationships, fear over not doing something special.

Fear, fear, fear... Christ teaches us how we can be fearless!

Fearless meets during school term time in Loxwood Church Room on Mondays from 7.00-8.30pm. Although occasionally we sue the super cool Loxwood Sport & Social Club because the pool table and dart board are very, very popular!

Nurture Courses
Bible study
Christianity Explored course
Coffee morning
Holiday club
Messy Church
Pilgrim course
Youth work

Help for Visitors

Church Open

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