Pews News - 5 December
Mid-week Communion every Tuesday - 10.30am at Neatishead.
Morning Prayer every Thursday - 9.15am at Barton Turf.
All welcome to attend any or all services
Holy Communion at Broadacres, Barton Turf, 1st Thursday in the month at 11am.
COVID Precautions.
Given the currently rising infections rates and concerns over new COVID variants, we encourage everyone attending church services to wear a face covering and to observe the social distancing guidelines. Please look after one another so that we can help to minimise the risk of a new wave of widespread infections. Thank you.
Advent Resources
We are providing a short series of video reflections on YouTube during Advent, to supplement our church services (not instead of them). These will be available later each Sunday morning, after the church services, on the “A Church Near You” page for each of our parishes.
There are further Advent worship and prayer resources on the <st1:personname w:st="on">Diocese of Norwich</st1:personname> website, ( including this year’s Advent Calendar, a series of daily reflections from around the diocese.
Barton Turf Christmas Charity Collection
This year, as we are not collecting clothes, we have decided to collect for the Foodbank. The collection will be between 4th and 12th December so there is time to deliver parcels to families before Christmas. Please put your offerings in bags or boxes and they can be left in the porch or inside the church. They particularly want tinned fruit, long life fruit juice and long life sponge puddings. They have plenty of baked beans, cereal and pasta. Perhaps a child's treat?
Christmas Cards - Barton Church
This year's Christmas Cards are available in the church. They will also be on sale at the Farmer's Market on December 11th. Price £5.00 a pack.
Dates for your diary
Friday 17<sup>th</sup> December – Ashmanhaugh Carol Service at 5.00pm
Sunday 19<sup>th</sup> December – Horning Carol Service at 6.00pm
Wednesday 22<sup>nd</sup> December – Carols on the Green at Horning at 6.00pm
Friday 24<sup>th</sup> December, Christmas Eve – Irstead Crib Service at 4.00pm