Facilities and features
There is an accessible toilet with two sinks, one low level and an emergency cord.
There is a baby changing mat.
There is a large car park near to the church and an overflow in a nearby field should it be required. A car can be driven close to the church door.
There is an accessible toilet with two sinks, one low level and an emergency cord.
There is a large car park near to the church and an overflow in a nearby field should it be required. A car can be driven close to the church door.
There is a defibrillator at Barton Staithe which is a five minute drive away.
There is a moveable ramp enabling access to the church and Chancel. The ramp can be found just inside the church. A wheelchair can be found in the Belfry should it be required.
The church is fitted with a hearing loop.
We have a magnifying sheet and are are looking into providing books with large print.
Assistant dogs are welcome in the church.
Our Building
There is a prayer corner and a prayer tree where a prayer request can be left. The prayer is usually read at the nearest Morning Prayer Service.
We have been awarded the Bronze Level for the Eco award.
Our church is Grade One.
Music and Worship
There is a ring of six bells, Friday night is practice night.
Our church is known for its' good acoustics and many concerts have taken place in its' history. Should you wish to make use of the church for this purpose, please contact the church warden.
The Book of Common Prayer. is used for Evensong/Prayer. See services for further information.
The choir rehearses on a Thursday evening. Please contact the church warden for details.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Our coffee morning takes place on the third Saturday of the month, excluding January. It runs from 10 to 12. All are very welcome to this social occasion. There is produce and books for sale.
Help for Visitors
Please contact the church warden should this be required.
A comprehensive church guide can be purchased for £3.
"Through all the changing scenes of life", take a walk round the church with friends through the ages.
Our church is is locked overnight but open from 9 am to 4 pm during the winter months and 9am to 5pm during the summer after the clocks have gone forward.
We welcome dogs on a lead in our church. There is a water bowl by the church door.
Other Features
We are a collection point for the Norwch Foodbank which gives three days of emergency food to individuals and families in crisis. See heading 'pages and links'.
We have a conservation area which is currently being surveyed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust.