Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print service leaflets are available.

Gluten-free communion wafers always available.
Gluten-free refreshments sometimes available.

Our Building

Silver award from A Rocha.

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

First, fourth and fifth Sundays every month.

First, fourth and fifth Sundays every month.

Second and third Sundays every month.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Meets fortnightly (first and third Sundays each month). Alternates venues with Earlswood Baptist Church.

Run annually.

Sunflower Cafe 10-12 every Wednesday.

Help for Visitors

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities

Please call the parish office for details.