Jellitots Playgroup

Every Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Church Halls
Church Halls, St Andrew’s Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PJ

6 December held in church.
Playgroup for children and their carers at the Church Halls. For Children aged between birth and 5 years.

Virtual Services

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Your Own Home
Your Own Home, ., ., United Kingdom

The Zoom services will continue until the end of August at lease
Join our Services
You can join us with a
Video Link
Via Zoom
You can join us on the
Or we can provide you with an order of service for a
Written Service
Here is how

To join our video service, please let me have your email address and we will send you a link each week to the service. [email protected]

For a copy of the written service contact any of the congregation using zoom, or email me at the above email address.

To join the above by telephone (landline or mobile), here’s what to do: you will need the meeting ‘ID’ which you can get from any of the congregation using zoom, but it changes every week.
i) Dial 0131 460 1196. In terms of charges this will be treated as a regular call.
ii) It will say that you have connected with ZOOM and to put in the meeting code. Enter the Meeting ID for Sunday Morning Worship, which you tap in on your telephone keypad, followed by the hash key 
iii)  It will then ask for your own ID. Simply press the hash key again. And then you’re in!
iv)  Others will have a picture of a phone when you join this way and your telephone number will be displayed in small print.  Some people might recognise your telephone number and will know who you are, others will only know that someone has joined by telephone.

Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

On Sunday 28 May there is a Holy communion service at 9 am and a family service at 11 am also a celebration service at 3 pm

Bell ringing

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

Bell ringing practice every Monday night

A Short Service

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

In St Andrew's Church, every Wednesday there will be a short service of Morning Prayer, from 9.30-10.00am.

All Age Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

A service aimed at the whole family.

Wholeness and Healing

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

At 11 am on 5th Sundays in St Andrew's Church

Coffee, Cupcake & Chat

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
Town Hall
Town Hall, Market Place, Kirton in Lindsey

1st Saturday every month in the Town Hall

Sunday Morning Worship

Every Second Sunday at for 30 mins
St. Andrew's United Church, Kirton Lindsey
St Andrew's Street Kirton Lindsey Scunthorpe, DN21 4PR, United Kingdom

Worship for all