We'd love to hear from you

With effect from May 2022 we have no incumbent vicar. We are blessed with many ministers who take services, but if you need to book a service please contact the appropriate person below:

Baptisms and Weddings : Jane Sheard 01652 648846.  

Funerals please arrange through your funeral director initially.

Booking church halls through Heather Bunker 01652 648573. [email protected]

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Pat Frankish Churchwarden.

Saint Andrew’s United Church
Saint Andrew’s Street
Kirton in Lindsey
DN21 4PJ

DN21 4PJ
Pat Frankish Churchwarden
01652 649365
Jane Sheard, Lay Preacher
01652 648846

Our website