Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
St Augustine's Queen's Gate
Queen's Gate, London, SW7 5LP, United Kingdom

A contemplative service to begin Lent - a time of self-examination and repentance. We will offer the opportunity to receive ashes on your forehead – a sign of repentance that has been practiced by the church around the world for hundreds of years. This will be a service of Holy Communion.

St Augustine's Queen's Gate

We are a warm, welcoming, all-age community. We have a weekly 10:30am liturgical Holy Communion service with beautiful classical music, a cafe and children's provision. You are most welcome.

HTB Queen's Gate (formally known as St Augustine's) is part of the Parish of Holy Trinity Brompton

Get in touch

Rev'd Sam Follett

HTB Queen's Gate, London

020 7052 0200

Our website

What's on

Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
St Augustine's Queen's Gate
Queen's Gate, London, SW7 5LP, United Kingdom

A contemplative service to begin Lent - a time of self-examination and repentance. We will offer the opportunity to receive ashes on your forehead – a sign of repentance that has been practiced by the church around the world for hundreds of years. This will be a service of Holy Communion.