Location - all Masses will be at the Nave Altar
all seating is at a 2m distance
seating is available in single seats / pairs and designated seats for families
the maximum number we can have in church is 50-60 depending on size of households
Arriving at church - wear a face covering at all times
use the hand sanitiser upon entrance and exit
enter through the main doors and exit by the Lady Chapel
do not mingle with any other household at all times, stay 2m apart
please complete the test and trace form or scan the QR code.
be directed to a seat and stay there
During Mass - use the booklet that is on your seat and take it home
no singing, no sharing of the Peace
remain in your seat to receive Communion, Fr Sean will come to you. Communion is in one kind and the Body Of Christ will be placed in your hand.
After Mass - remain in your seat and leave quickly and quietly as directed
do not stay and chat
If you wish to speak to Fr Sean on a pastoral matter remain seated .
Do NOT attend public worship if you or a member of your household display any COVID like symptoms or have contracted the virus. Remain at home for the Government designated quarantine period.