Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer

We often use the Common worship texts for Morning or Evening Prayer services we hold online. These are linked to Church of England Website by clicking on the Daily Prayer link below :

Daily Prayer

Once on the web page scroll down to the bottom of the page to chose Chose Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer or Night Prayer for todays date.

[Don't click on the Audio button unless you wish to listen to the C of E recording as a podcast] and not our live version.

Once you have the right words to Join in our Morning or Evening Prayer online you should have two tabs open in your browser - the one with words and a tab for this web page, for the links to our Facebook page for morning prayer click on Social 

IF you have a smart phone you can download the Daily Prayer app which lets you go straight to the respective Prayer each day.

Daily Prayer App @ Church publishing

It is free unless you wish to have a copy to use when you are not connected to the web then you should subscribe. Further details are also given at http://www.chpublishing.co.uk

The information on the Church of England website is subject to copyright please see below and also the copyright notices given on that site and in the Daily Prayer App which may be additional to the information below:

© The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England or reproduced with permission from other copyright owners. The text may be downloaded and printed for personal reference or for local non-commercial reproductions in printed form which comply with the conditions set out below without an application for copyright permission or payment of a fee, provided such editions conform to the following copyright conditions:

The text must not be altered in any way.The copies are not sold.The name of the parish, team or group ministry, cathedral or institution is to be shown on the front cover (or first page if there is no cover).In the case of reproduction for repeated use the number of copies made from the same original is not to exceed 500.The correct copyright acknowledgement must be included.

We also have prayer booklets that you can dowload from the following pages these can be downloaded and  viewed or printed for home use or if the person leading the services may use an alternative.

Daily_Prayer_at_home_booklet, PDF
