We'd love to hear from you
Welcome to the pages for St Andrew's Church, Sutton on the Isle of Ely, near Cambridge in the UK.
If you need pastoral support, and for queries about weddings, funerals and baptisms Please Contact :Our Interim Priest In Charge The Revd Canon Mark Haworth
Tel: 01353 699491 or 07932 160 009 Email :[email protected]
Please check our Facebook page (St Andrew's Church Sutton) where you find our weekly news sheet, details of events and contact details of our churchwardens if you are enquiring about weddings and banns, christenings, funerals and anything to do with the church building and churchyard.
If your enquiry is about family history please note that we do not hold historic parish registers. Please contact Cambridgeshire County Archives for access to them. The website of the Cambridgeshire Family History Society has useful information - and is where you can also buy a digitised copy of information in historic parish registers by parish.
The church is open to visitors everyday during daylight hours from 09:30am