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Whatever your age or background, whether you live here or visit, join us to find out about the message of Jesus. What does it mean for life’s journey? If you meet us, we hope you discover not just people who go to church, but friends who want to support each other and serve the world God loves, for which Jesus died and rose again. We value people of all ages and run particular family-friendly events and services.
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Whatever your age or background, whether you live here or visit, join us to find out about the message of Jesus. What does it mean for life’s journey? If you meet us, we hope you discover not just people who go to church, but friends who want to support each other and serve the world God loves, for which Jesus died and rose again. We value people of all ages and take care to include family friendly events and services in what we do.
Our parish extends from Newlands Corner to the edge of Winterfold Forest. We have two active church buildings and a lot of history!
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