Facilities and features


Various male, female and accessible toilets around the campus.

There are fold-down changing tables in the two accessible toilets in the main church space, as well as baby changing spaces with mats in both the male & female toilets in the church centre.

The 'village square' includes solid metal bars to lock your bike to, at the bottom of the main steps.

8 spaces (including 2 disabled spots) in the church car park. On street parking is usually available nearby, but please don't park on Nairn Street or Elgin Street - our neighbours really appreciate it!

Large modern accessible toilet in the entrance block; further accessible toilet by the male/female loos.

We have church family members, both adults and children, with Autism and Asperger's. If this applies to you or a family member and you would like to discuss access, please get in touch.

Two of our car parking spaces are designated as accessible.

There are gently sloping ramps to both main entrances. It is easiest to use the upper entrance for the church and the lower entrance for the centre, but there is also a lift for access between floors.

Our hearing loop was upgraded in 2023.

Most words are projected on the big screen. Large print liturgy booklets are available on request.

Assistance dogs are welcome on site.

We always aim to have gluten-free options at Sunday services and midweek events.

BSL interpretation is provided at some 11am Sunday Gatherings.

Our main church area and most of our meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible.

Our Building

Our church has a number of stained glass windows on the north and south sides.

We have been awarded Silver Eco Church status by A Rocha UK and are actively working towards a Net Zero goal.

We provide a 'Welcome Space' on Tuesdays 1.15-3.15pm on the gallery above reception, with free hot drinks.

Music and Worship

We have a great team of talented worship leaders, singers and musicians who lead our sung worship on Sundays and at special events. A full band usually consists of guitar, keyboards, bass & drums, though we sometimes use a cajon, cello or other instruments as appropriate.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Defined Youth Church meets on Friday evenings at 7.30pm (Y7-Y13), on Sunday mornings during the 11am gathering (Y7-9) and for a hangout (6pm till the start of the 7pm gathering) during school term time. It's a fun and enthusiastic community where you can meet friends and explore the Christian faith!

We run at least two Alpha courses per year - sign up at stcsheffield.org/alpha!

Our midweek communities are called Tables. They are where we share food, chat about our lives, look at the Bible together and pray for one another.

We partner with others in the Sheffield CAP debt centre. Please call the CAP new enquiries team free on 0800 328 0006 to arrange an appointment with a local CAP debt coach.

Available from our CAP worker - please call the CAP new enquiries team free on 0800 328 0006 to arrange an appointment with a local CAP debt coach.

Our Kids team run a Holiday Bible Club for 3 days during the Easter holidays.

Some of our church members are regularly involved with helping homeless people in Sheffield city centre.

Natter is a group that meets on Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am (except August and Christmas), providing refreshments and chat for those aged 60 or better!

Tots & Toddlers runs on Wednesdays in term time, 10am - 11.30am - from babies up to pre-school age. Parents, grandparents and other carers are all welcome.

Help for Visitors

Please ask a staff member for the wi-fi network name and password.

The Church campus is normally open 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am - 1pm Friday as well as for Sunday gatherings. During the week we ask individuals to sign in and out at reception.
You are very welcome to join us for half an hour of worship and prayer 9am-9.30am Monday to Friday in term time.

Other Features

All our tea, coffee, sugar and Communion wine are purchased from Fair Trade sources.

We are part of the Sheffield S6 Foodbank network. Donations can be dropped off anytime the church is open, and a collection point for those referred to Foodbank is open for one hour each Tuesday, 2pm-3pm. Other S6 centres have different food collection days and times.

Our main worship area is equipped with a sound desk and dual-screen projection system. There is a hearing loop for those who use hearing aids. Our meeting rooms have installed flatscreens with HDMI input ports, with sound either via the screens or dedicated speaker systems.

We have six meeting rooms on site that can accommodate between 25 and 60 people. To make a booking enquiry, please contact the church office.

We have an Acts435 advocate on the team.