Facilities and features


Disabled access and baby change facilities

Within our disabled toilet

at base of tower we have a flower planter designed for cycles to be locked to

Limited on road parking adjacent to the church

Fully accessible with disabled handrails, sink and alarm

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Assistance dogs welcome

Gluten free cakes usually available. We also have gluten free communion wafers (please speak to a churchwarden)

moveable ramp to deal with single step at teh door, ask for assistance

Our Building

daily 9an to 4pm winter, 6pm summer

Stained Glass

we are an eco church

Built in 1455 our building is grade 1 listed

Music and Worship

We have an active group of ringers who practice on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. We also have two young ringers groups who meet after school in teh week. We have various facilities for training new ringers such as a dumbell system and a bagley bell simulator

details of concerts and events can be found at https://www.parishofwykeregis.org.uk/events/
Tickets for most concerts/events can be purchased on our website


Choir practices on a friday

Our worship band supports our cafe church services on the first sunday of the month

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Brass Rubbing
Bible study

We support the local CAP group

Coffee is served after out Friday 1030 service and Sunday 0930 service, and once a month on a Saturday at 10am

Parents and toddlers

Help for Visitors

Please contact [email protected] if you are a group or organisation wanting a guided visit

Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

Other Features

We are a fairtrade church and use fairtrade products

Conservation Area
Back to Church Sunday

We are an inclusive church