Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
Fareham: Holy Trinity
West Street Fareham Portsmouth, PO16 0EL, United Kingdom

Service of Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday including the imposition of ashes.

Fareham: Holy Trinity

We are part of a friendly Church of England  Parish and we’re in Fareham, Hampshire. We’re a team of two churches - Holy Trinity and St Columba.

We’re open for Sunday worship, baptisms, funerals and weddings. 

Sunday services are informal, with Holy Communion. Children are very welcome and we have some activity packs though we don’t have junior church at the moment.

There’s good parking in the vicinity.

We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults; we strive to make our churches and events safe, protective and supportive so that all people, especially the vulnerable, can visit and worship freely without worry. Please see further details under news and notices.

Get in touch

Parish Administrator

Holy Trinity Church
West Street

PO16 0EL
Parish Office
(01329) 232688

Our website

What's on

Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
Fareham: Holy Trinity
West Street Fareham Portsmouth, PO16 0EL, United Kingdom

Service of Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday including the imposition of ashes.

Fareham: Holy Trinity Charity No. 1135129