Facilities and features
Both Male and female and alarmed disabled toilets available.
The car park is used by the local doctors surgery.
As above
We have a easy access ramp leading to our double with front door
Large print song books available, however most songs and service structure are displayed on lager screen
We have absolutely no problem with having dogs
Our Building
Music and Worship
music usually via large keyboard with multiple affects
Groups, Courses and Activities
Small nurture group, which likes to have days away, lay led, very free
throughout the year various groups meet for bible study. One permanent group of men meet with other church members for study in a local pub. (Yes.. a PUB) and it works well
Coffee morning once a month for our local councilors, generally first Saturday of the month. Often with stalls for local and other charities. (best bacon roles is a plus)
Cubs meet each Monday evening
Messy church and Messy extra. Messy Extra was at the request of the youngsters who wanted the teaching and food but with a load of extra games