About Us
Worshipping, caring, loving, sharing: inviting all
Our main service is on Sunday. We meet at 11 for coffee, and start the service at 11.30. There are usually 12-20 of us (often at least one family with children) and we're finished by 12.30.
What to expect
Every week we sing hymns and songs, hear a sermon, and are led in prayers. The service may be a Eucharist (praising God, remembering Jesus' last supper and his death and resurrection, and welcoming him among us), or a Service of the Word (a more reflective service without 'Communion').
Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with 'church services'. Everyone gets a leaflet to follow, and our ministers won't expect you to do any more than you're comfortable with! We sit in a semi-circle, with tables to put our tea down on, so you can decide whether you're more comfortable sharing a larger table to meet new people, or sitting at a small table by yourself this first time.
Other services and activities
every Sunday 7 pm: Evening Prayer by telephone conference.
Wednesdays 2- 4 pm: Coffee, Craft & Chat (bring your own knitting or other craft, or simply come for a cuppa and some colouring)
second Tuesday of each month: afternoon Friendship Cafe (afternoon tea with lovely china and homemade cakes)
Who we are
I am Ruth, the vicar of this parish. I have been in Stevenage for almost five years. I grew up in America, and have come to love a lot that English people sometimes take for granted, such as public footpaths, the NHS, and tea!
We have a team of key people, including an associate priest: the Revd Andy Thomas; lay ministers: Clive Bell, Keith Battarbee & Glynis Ireton; administrator: Janice Apthorpe; Parish Safeguarding Officer: Diane Hanlon; and deputy churchwarden: Sue Benford.