Facilities and features
Hymn books and the weekly notice sheet are in large print. Nowadays all the weekly services use the overhead screen so books and papers are unnecessary.
Our Building
Grade II* with many wall and floor monuments, mostly of the late Stuart period by the likes of Edward Marshall, Jasper Latham, Thomas Stanton, William Stanton (nephew of Thomas), Edward Stanton (son of William). Most of the inscriptions can be found in R Clutterbuck’s History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford (1821).
Music and Worship
Not actual bell ringing but we do have two bells of note. The treble bell is one of the few 12th Century bells in the country. It is still rung along with its tenor companion, recast 1767; both were restored in 1974, partly in memory of Tom Hampson, an Olympic gold-medallist in the 1932 Games, whose grave is in the churchyard.
The organ is a Compton 2-rank Miniature extension organ built circa 1950 and acquired by St Mary’s from Royston Methodist Church in 1976. The 2 manual console with RCO pedal board is located to the north of the chancel and the organ is located at the western end of the north aisle. The organ and console were completely overhauled and refurbished by E J Johnson (Cambridge) Ltd in Sept/Oct 2017.
A small but keen choir always on the lookout for new members.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Although the floor ledgers are not brass they can still nevertheless be successfully rubbed. See the item about the church Grade for information on the makers of the monuments.
Saturday mornings, usually once a month and held by The Friends of St Mary’s whose focus is to raise money for the upkeep of the fabric of the church.
The church is open on a Wednesday afternoon for the Craft Club and all are welcome. Bring your own crafts or come along for inspiration.
There is a monthly friendship group run in conjunction with the local doctors’ surgery. All are welcome for a chat and tea and biscuits.
Junior Church host a Messy Church occasionally.
A small enthusiastic Diocesan Members Group who would love to welcome new members. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 1:30-3.00pm and the meeting is open to all. Contact Kim Wilkinson by email on [email protected]
St Marys Toddlers is run every Monday morning in school term time from 9.30 – 11am for parents and carers with children from birth until they start school nursery. It is run in the parish room at the side of St Mary’s Church, off Shephall Green. The cost is £1 per child per session, with younger siblings under one free.
Each week three qualified staff provide a different selection of toys, mark making and craft activities for the children to investigate and a social meeting place for parents and carers. Craft activities are based on things the children can explore and access for themselves with an adult there to support and encourage them to participate if needed. These will rotate around different forms of painting, printing, sticking and tactile play.
All children sit for a snack, they are offered a biscuit and some fruit. Parents bring their child’s own beaker and drink and sit with them if needed. We also enjoy singing at the end of each session and request that all parents join in, as this gives a lead to the children and babies who then respond and follow by joining in themselves.
If you would like a place or have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact Elaine on 07900-481159. Visitors are always welcome but it is helpful if you call first so we know to expect you.
Help for Visitors
There is a small A5 information sheet about the church and its history.
Usually Wednesday afternoons when there is a Craft Club going on in the adjoining parish room.
Other Features
Although small the parish room is available for hire. There is a toilet and kitchenette.