Sunday 30th June Trinity 5 Newsletter

Beane Valley Benefice: Aston, Bramfield, Stapleford, Waterford and Watton at Stone

Loving God and Loving our Neighbour 

YOU are welcome in ANY church. Please take all precautions you can to stay safe 

The Collect (special prayer) for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity Almighty God, send down upon your Church the riches of your Spirit and kindle in all who minister the gospel your countless gifts of grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Pray for the well-being of the nation in the build up to the General Election 2024.... Available in a booklet, audio form for smart speakers, free opt-in emails and social media. part-general-election-2024

PRAY for PEACE in ISRAEL and GAZA, UKRAINE and all areas of conflict Lord God, though peace seems humanly impossible, we continue to pray for an end to violence and bloodshed. We pray your comfort for the fearful and broken – hearted. Change the hearts of those set on revenge and destruction. Give wisdom to world leaders as they respond to aggression. Bless all who work for understanding, reconciliation and justice which alone bring lasting peace. Amen. ‘Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.’ (Romans 12:12)  

Please see Newsletter attached. 

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