Weekly prayer topics

Last Updated: 23rd February 2025

Here we suggest focus points for prayer, but please continue to pray for the work of our churches and missionary partners around the world (at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/page/77358/view)

Church family news:

- Shirley and Jim wish to thank everyone for their love, prayers and support during Angela’s illness and all who attended her funeral. They also wish to express their thanks for the choir, bell ringers, flowers and beautiful music.

- Ken’s cremation will take place on Thursday, with just family present. His service of thanksgiving will be on 6th March. Please continue to pray for Gwen, Elaine and all Ken’s family and friends.

- Michael L’s wife, Stella, is still recovering from her surgery in Crete. Please continue to pray for Stella’s recovery, and for an uneventful journey back to the UK.

- Those for whom we have been praying recently are still in need of our prayers. Please don’t forget them just because their names are no longer listed.

- Each week, there are people we know who are unwell but who prefer not to be named here. God knows who they are; please pray for them all.

Pray for our community

In our cycle of prayers, this week we ask you to include in your prayers:

- our local shops, pubs and businesses

- those who are working from home

- local bus companies, taxi firms, hospital transport and other lift-giving organisations

Pray for our outreach, our service and our churches

This week we ask you to include in your prayers:

- those who find our Choral Evensong service uplifting and spiritually nourishing

- families and others who find our family services helpful

- those who attend our other services, including our 8.00 service and our midweek services on Tuesday in St Catherine’s and Wednesday in St Mary’s

Pray for our mission partners

This week we ask you to pray for Roger and Jane Senior. More information about our partners can be found on our website.

Roger and Jane have had close links with All Saints since their time at All Nations. They are now retired.

We hear from Roger and Jane that their family are all very well. They themselves however have a number of health concerns. They ask prayer for:

- guidance in re-evaluating their workload according to their capacity, now mainly occasional preaching and regular pastoral care

- wisdom to concentrate on the Lord's priorities in deciding what work areas to leave, while maintaining their prayer ministry

- ability to recognise and manage their health problems together, while keeping their eyes on Jesus "the same yesterday and today and for ever"

They thank us for our prayers, and pray that the Lord will make us a blessing to many.

If you are aware of anyone who would like our prayers, or who would like the church family to share in some news, good or bad, please let Caroline know.