Weekly prayer topics

Last Updated: 7th July 2024

Here we suggest focus points for prayer, but please continue to pray for the work of our churches and missionary partners around the world (at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/page/77358/view)

Praise God

- for the marriage of Jennifer and Stephen this weekend; pray for them as they embark on married life

- for the opportunity for our church family and the Little Munden School community to worship together on 21st July

- for Rob, Rebecca and Gaby, who lead the music in our first Sunday services

- for all those who have volunteered to help with our ongoing outreach and regular groups; pray that more will step forward

Pray for those in pain or distress

Some of the longer-standing members of St Mary’s may remember Richard Tyler, who was our organist back in the 1990s, before the new organ was built. We have heard that, following a catastrophic accident on a canal boat, Richard has subsequently died. His funeral will take place this Tuesday, 9th July at midday in Northill Parish Church (St. Mary, Virgin), with a wake at the Village Hall opposite. (SG18 9AA). Sue writes: ‘I hope as many of Richard’s friends, family, and colleagues from his musical world and his professional world are able to join us - so please forward these details to any who are interested in coming that I may be unaware of.’ Please pray for Sue and the boys as they come to terms with this terrible news.

Please also pray:

- for Peter A, who is having knee surgery (knee-joint replacement) on 13th July, and asks for our prayers as he has some complications due to other health issues

- for Rita, in Princess Alexandra Hospital at the moment

- for all who are in or just home from hospital, or undergoing tests, or waiting for treatment, or who are unwell in any way at the moment

- for all who are grieving at this time, especially the family and friends of Geoffrey Debnam

- for all who have been listed here in recent weeks, and who still need our prayers

- for those who need our prayers but have chosen not to be named here

- for those who care for any who are unwell

Pray for our community

- for all who will attend the talk about avoiding being scammed, and for all who are targets of cyber- criminals

- for all who have become MPs, many for the first time, that they will act with integrity and in the best interests of their constituents

- for our local schools, involved in sports days, performances and other end of year events

Pray for our outreach, our service and our churches

- for the church wardens in the benefice as they attend the Archdeacon’s Visitations to be officially sworn in to serve

- for the 37 children already signed up for the HBC, and the others who are planning to or thinking about coming

- for our plans to invite the Fry family to come to visit us on 7th August and update us on their work (more details will follow)

- for Little Angels, meeting this week for the last session of this academic year

Pray for our mission partners and the world

David and Marlene Fry, working with Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Austria, give thanks for:

- eight people who have come forward to volunteer or work full time with the MediaWorks team

Please pray for:

- the process of interviewing, checking references etc., which involves much work and patience

- a shipment of books to Central Asia and for their safe arrival, may the books be a blessing to those who receive them

- Marlene's work with refugees/Oasis and that she may continue to have strength and energy for the work

- the Fry family's visit to the UK during August and that they will be able to come to Standon

If you are aware of anyone who would like our prayers, or who would like the church family to share in some news, good or bad, please let Caroline know.