Weekly News - 9th October 2022

Once again this weekend, we are providing cover for our friends in neighbouring parishes. Steve Bate (Rector of Much Hadham, Little Hadham and Albury) has tested positive for Covid, so Charlie is taking services in Much Hadham and Little Hadham, and Caroline is in Braughing, as previously planned. Please pray for Steve’s swift recovery.

Edward Dodge will be playing the organ for our service in St Mary’s. Please make him welcome.

This weekend’s Bible readings:

2 Timothy 2:8-15 (p 1196); Luke 17:11-19 (p 1051)

Change in financial procedures for Standon:

Sadly, Robin is not well enough to continue in his role as assistant treasurer and has stood down. If you need to deliver money or submit expenses claims to Standon, please give them to Caroline rather than to Robin. Please pray for Robin and those who are caring for him. Pray, too, for the person whom God is preparing to take on this role. If you would like to know more about what is entailed, please speak to Caroline.


Cliff’s son, Matthew, is being licensed this weekend as a Reader in Nottingham. Please pray for Matthew and the other Readers being licensed this weekend.

October lunchtime concerts:

Thank you to all who have supported the lunchtime concerts so far.

The remaining concert is on Saturday 15th October: A10 Strings directed by David Boarder.

The concert begins at 12.30pm (retiring collection). Lunch (suggested donation £5) is available from 12.00.

Retreat at Sacombe:

Harlow Pentecostal Church will be holding a retreat in St Catherine’s from 14th-15th and maybe 16th October. They have invited everyone who is interested to their Saturday morning session and lunch afterwards. Please speak to Derek for more information.

A pop-up shop to start on 23rd October at St Mary's:

Marion is starting a pop-up shop selling Traidcraft products and Christian books and gifts. Traidcraft sells handmade, ethical & fair trade products, from home furnishings and fashion items to yummy chocolate and biscuits, ensuring that the producers are fairly paid. The other books and gifts on sale will be sourced from Eden, an online Christian shop. So many Christian Bookshops are sadly now closing down that we hope this will be of use. You will also be able to order further Christian books and gifts and Traidcraft items via Marion. We are hoping that this will be on a monthly basis with the first pop up shop will be being after the 10.30 service at St Mary's on Sunday 23rd October. Any profits made will go to the local foodbank. Please support this if you can.

Sunday lunch at the Star:

Heather’s next Sunday lunch at the Star will be on 23rd October. If you would like to book a place please let Heather know by Monday 17th October on 07909 065550 or [email protected].

Will you take his call:

St Albans Diocese is hosting its annual event ‘Will you take His call?’ on Saturday morning, 5th November in Colney Heath, St Albans. It is aimed at anyone who is reflecting on God’s call in their life, whether that may be to a role within your church community or to a wider ministry. Following a keynote address from Bishop Richard there will be a range of short introductory talks from ordained and lay ministers and people working in paid and volunteer lay roles, with opportunities to ask questions of each of them. Refreshments and lunch are provided. More information is available on the Dioceses website. The event is free but people do need to register via Eventbrite https://willyoutakehiscall2022.eventbrite.co.uk.

Concert at St Michael’s, Bishop’s Stortford 29th October:

This concert will take place at 7.00 pm on Saturday 29th October. Theo Tinkler will play J. S. Bach Cello Suite no.1 in G major and there will be music by Domenico Gabrielli and Dall'Abaco. There is a poster at the back of church.


Our benefice website is on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform. The benefice page is: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/benefice. Please visit it to see the range of information there.