Weekly News - 10th April 2022

This week’s Bible readings: 

Genesis 49:8-11 (p 55) and Luke 19:28-40 (p 1054).

Services for Holy week:

Maundy Thursday, 7.30 pm Holy communion St Catherine’s

Good Friday, 11.00 am Service at the cross All Saints

Good Friday, 2.00 pm Reflective hour St Mary’s

Easter Sunday, 8.00 am Easter communion St Mary’s

Easter Sunday, 10.30 am Easter communion St Mary’s

Good Friday EHCCA service: 

On Good Friday at 7.30pm there will be a service at St Catherine and St Paul's, Hoddesdon. Members of local choirs will sing music from 'Messiah'. A few of our choir will be taking part. Hugh Legg will be singing solos and Michael will be accompanying.

Easter Monday Pilgrimage: 

The Easter Monday pilgrimage to St Albans Cathedral is a family event at which all are welcome... even muddy boots and dogs! You can join a group at one of the ‘hub churches’ and walk together – see the posters in our churches.

Lent Appeal 2022: 

This year we are supporting home mission through giving to our benefice churches.  Details are available on the ‘Lent appeal’ leaflet available in our churches, or from Caroline. Information about how you can donate is to be found in the ‘Giving to our churches’ leaflet, available in church.

Calling all spare trowels... 

Lizzy and Chris B will be running a gardening club at Little Munden School, starting after the Easter break. Before they buy small trowels and forks for the children to use, they ask if anyone has any spares or ones that could be borrowed until the middle of July - every trowel borrowed means more money can be spent on plants and veg to grow! If you can help, please speak to Lizzy.

Cleaners needed for All Saints: 

We still need volunteers to join our cleaning team at All Saints. We have, unfortunately, lost two of our regulars this year, so it would be great to have at least two volunteers to fill these gaps. It means cleaning about 4 times each before the end of 2022, once every couple of months (cleaning items are provided). If you could help, please call Pauline on 438545. Thank you.

Annual meetings: 

Our annual meetings (APCMs) will be held, following on from our morning services, Sacombe’s on 26th April, The Mundens’ on 1st May, and Standon’s on 8th May. Please consider whether God is calling you to serve on our PCCs. If you have a report to submit, please get it to your PCC secretary.

Sunday Solos lunch: 

The next lunch at the Star will be on Sunday 24th April. If you would like to attend please phone Heather or email [email protected].


Once more, we are looking for lots of help at Mayday on 2nd May. We will need cakes, salads and offers to help in St Mary’s, in the Village Hall and on the salad stall. Please speak to Keith or Angie (church), Steph or Cliff (VH) or Caroline (salad stall) or sign up on the board at the back of St Mary’s.

Friends of St Mary’s AGM: 

This will take place in St Mary’s on 13th May, followed by a talk by a speaker from the Herts & Middlesex Trust for Nature Conservation. All are welcome.

Standon Flower and Music Festival, 8th-10th July 2022: 

Plans are progressing for this event, postponed from 2020. If you would like to be involved please let Marion know (email: [email protected]).

Holiday Bible Club:

Our annual HBC will run from 29th August to 1st September. It’s not too early to volunteer! Please speak to Caroline or Lizzy if you can help, and pray for the plans as they progress.


In the next weeks our website address will change. Please bear with us as we make the transition.

Services for the next few weeks:

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) St Catherine’s

Wednesdays, 9.30 am Morning worship & Bible study St Mary’s

Sunday services:

Sunday 10th April

10.30 am Holy communion St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints

Sunday 17th April

8.00 am Easter communion St Mary’s

10.30 am Easter communion St Mary’s

Sunday 24th April

10.30 am Morning worship & baptism St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints

6.30 pm Choral evensong St Mary’s

Sunday 1st May

8.00 am Holy communion St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship All Saints

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints