Weekly News - 14th August 2022

This weekend’s Bible readings:

Genesis 21:1-10 (p 21); Galatians 4:21-31 (p 1171).

Holy communion – changes to our practice:

Our PCCs decided at their recent meeting that we will start to come to the rail for communion once more, and that we will offer wine from the common chalice as well as intincted wafers. The way this will work will be explained in our services, and we will make sure that there is opportunity to take communion in a way that is comfortable for you. We do remind you, though, that it’s not permitted to intinct (dip) your own wafer in the chalice.

Choir singing at Winchester Cathedral this week:

Our choir will be leading the worship at Winchester Cathedral from Thursday 18th August to Sunday 21st August. This is a tremendous privilege and opportunity to witness to many through the offering of music in worship. Please pray for them. The services will be:

Evensong at 5.30pm (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)

Eucharist at 11am and Evensong at 3.30pm (Sunday). If you are in the area on holiday or fancy a day trip then do come and support them. All services should be broadcast live on the Winchester Cathedral website: https://www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk/worship/live-streaming/

The 10.30 service in All Saints next Sunday will be a said service, as most of our singers and our organist will be in Winchester!

Come and sing evensong:

On Sunday 28th August at 6.30pm in St Mary's there will be a Come and Sing Evensong when our own choir will be joined by singers from other local choirs. Music will include Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. Do come and support this special service if you can.


Please consider the next two pleas. It’s so much easier not to have to tap on shoulders, but if no-one steps forward, that’s what we will be doing!

Holiday Bible Club 29th August – 1st September:

Preparations are advancing for this year’s HBC in St Mary’s. Please publicise it to any children you know; there are fliers in our churches. We are looking for helpers, please! The club will run from 10.00 until 2.30 each day. If you can volunteer for some or all of the time, please speak to Caroline or Lizzy, or email [email protected].

Little Angels - Mums and Toddlers group:

We are planning to start a Mum’s and Toddlers group in September on Fridays from 9.30 until 11 in St. Mary’s. We need volunteers to serve tea, make cakes, tell stories and possibly help with set up and clear down. Red Balloon will be leading. Please see John if you can help.

Sunday lunch:

Our next Sunday lunch at the Star will be on Sunday 28th August. Numbers are limited this month so please book early. Please contact Heather 07909 065550.

Memorial Jazz concert 10th September 6.30 for 7.00:

A concert will be held in St Mary’s on 10th September in memory of our own Len Sparks. John Petters New Orleans Jazz Stars, who were great friends of Len’s, will play and all proceeds will go to St Mary’s. Tickets, at £10, are available from Anne, Rebecca or Caroline, or at the door.

Mexico 2022:

We have had several messages and photos from our group of young people currently in Mexico, building a timber framed house! Internet is patchy and phone calls prohibitively expensive, but the leaders are making sure their parents are kept informed. Please continue to pray for them and for their leaders as they undertake this life-changing challenge.


Our benefice website is on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform. The benefice page is: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/benefice. Please visit it to see the range of information there.

Services for the next few weeks

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Catherine’s

Wednesdays, 9.30am Morning worship & Bible study, St Mary’s

Sunday services:

Sunday 14th August 10.30am Holy communion, St Mary’s

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 21st August 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary’s

10.30am Holy communion, All Saints

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

28th August 10.30am Morning worship, St Mary’s

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

6.30pm ‘Come and sing’ evensong, St Mary’s

4th September 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary’s

10.30am Morning worship, All Saints

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

11th September 10.30am Holy communion, St Mary’s

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints