Weekly News - 17th July 2022

Advance notice about the notices:

The next two notices sheets will be prepared slightly earlier than usual, due to Caroline’s holiday dates. It would be really helpful if contributions could be sent to her by midday Thursday of this coming week and the following one, please. The email address is [email protected]. The hard copies of the one for the weekend of 31st will be available in our churches on Monday 1st.

This morning’s Bible readings:

Acts 13:32-39 (p 1108), Galatians 3:1-14 (p 1169).

Welcome to Alice and her family:

Please welcome Alice, her parents and God-parents, and all who have come to support her as she is baptised and begins her new life as part of God’s family, the Church.

Invitation to the café this week:

Everyone is invited to visit the Little Munden café this week, for an end of term celebration. There will be activities for children, but all are welcome, from age 0 to 110 (and if you’re older than that, you too!) Come and meet some of the regulars, some of the people who attend our churches but maybe not at the same times as you, the children from Little Munden School who consider All Saints as ‘their church’ and the Red Balloon team. The café is open from 3 until 4.30.

Picnic after the service on 31st July:

The Sacombe folk would like to invite the congregation at St Catherine's on 31st July to bring a picnic lunch (and perhaps a chair or rug) to enjoy in the churchyard after the service. This will, of course, be an idyllic day of warm summer sunshine! Drinks will be provided.

PYGMALION at Brockholds Manor Garden Theatre 6th August:

Please encourage people to come along to this event. It’s a lovely occasion, and its financial success, which will benefit St Catherine’s, depends on getting a good audience. Gates will open at 5pm for 7.30 pm performance. A tranche of performance only tickets has been released @ £25 per ticket. Patrons may bring their own picnic but are asked please to support the licenced bar where all profits are to benefit the St Catherine's Building Fund. Tickets to include a glass of prosecco on arrival and a delicious 2-course supper are still available @ £45 (or £40 for car shares of 4 people or more). Please contact Hugh to book on 01920 438021 or speak to any member of St Catherine's PCC.

Standon Flower festival:

Thank you to all who contributed in any way to the flower festival in St Mary’s last weekend, culminating in a wonderful Songs of Praise service on Sunday evening. Many people visited and were moved as well as impressed. It wasn’t intended particularly as a fund raiser, but more than £3,400 was received in donations, ticket sales for the Gala evening and teas purchased!

Marion writes: ‘May I send my heartfelt thanks to every single person who played a part in the wonderfully successful Flower Festival held at St Mary's last weekend. This includes flower arrangers; cleaners; refreshment providers and servers; those who prepared the floral carpet; our organists, harpist and flute ensemble; those who provided plants, greenery or loaned items; the bellringers; those who delivered leaflets and put up posters and banners; lighting and technical support; printers; our treasurer; welcomers and stewards; our local schools; those who facilitated our ministry of welcome to children; those who watered and sprayed flowers and plants; those who took part in our Songs of Praise service; those who helped with the massive job of clearing up and last, but by no means least, those who visited over the weekend. Also a personal thank you to Michael, for his patience and hard work throughout, alongside his usual work commitments. It was a tremendous festival and fulfilled the vision I had for it to be an act of outreach and hospitality to our local community.’

Sunday lunch at the Star:

This will not be available this month as The Star are not taking bookings for food on that Sunday because of Standon Calling. Our next Sunday lunch will be on 28th August. Jeff has reduced our number to 8 as we have had a drop in numbers over the last few months. Consequently this month places will be on a first come basis so please let Heather know as soon as possible.

Holiday Bible Club 29th August – 1st September:

Preparations are advancing for this year’s HBC in St Mary’s. Posters are up and children are signing up. We are looking for helpers, please! The club will run from 10.00 until 2.30 each day. If you can volunteer for some or all of the time, please speak to Caroline or Lizzy.

Men’s Group:

The men’s group is recruiting! If anyone (male!) would like to join us on a Wednesday evening, at 7.30, you are most welcome. At present we are meeting at the Star in Standon (incentive?), although the venue varies. We have fellowship, bible study, prayer and a beer. What’s not to like? See John if you are interested.

Choral evensong:

There is no Choral Evensong at St Mary's this month but on Sunday 24th July a few of our choir will join other singers to lead Evensong at St James' Church Stansteadbury at 4pm. All are welcome.

Choral Evensong returns to St Mary's on Sunday 28th August at 6.30pm with a special 'Come and sing Evensong' when we invite other singers to join in. Do contact Michael if you or someone you know would be interested in taking part.


Our new benefice website is on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform. The benefice page is: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/benefice. Please visit it to see the range of information there.

Services for the next few weeks

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Catherine's

Wednesdays, 9.30am Morning Worship & Bible study, St Mary's

Sunday services:

Sunday 17th July 8.00am Holy Communion, St Mary's

10.30am Holy Communion & baptism, All Saints

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 24th July 10.30am Morning Worship & baptism, St Mary's

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 31st July 10.30am Morning Worship followed by picnic in churchyard, St Catherine's

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 7th August 8.00am Holy Communion, St Mary's

10.30am Morning Worship, All Saints

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 14th August 10.30am Holy Communion, St Mary's

4.00pm The Centre, All Saints