Weekly News - 15th May 2022

This week’s Bible readings:

John 3:26-30 (p 1066), Revelation 19:6-9 (p 1247).

Holiday Bible Club 2022:

We are starting to plan for the HBC to be held 29th August to 1st September. A theme of Narnia has been suggested. We will meet with Luke next Sunday, 22nd May, at 2.00 pm at Caroline’s. If you would like to be involved in this year’s HBC you are very welcome to come along. Please let Caroline know so that she knows how much cake will be required! All potential helpers are invited, and if you’d like to know more about what’s involved, or how you might help, please speak to Caroline or Lizzy.

Jubilee Evensong:

On Sunday 22nd May at 6.30pm in St Mary's the benefice choir will lead us in a service of Choral Evensong to mark the Queen's platinum Jubilee. Music will include the Queen's two favourite hymns (come and find out what they are!), 'The Call of Wisdom' by Will Todd and a new anthem by Thomas Hewitt Jones called 'In our service'. This stirring piece picks up the themes of duty and service and includes words from the Queen's own speeches. The choir will also be singing this when they sing Evensong in Bury St Edmunds Cathedral at 3.30pm on Saturday 4th June.

Jordan trip:

Keep a lookout on the website for the vlog (video log) from Jordan. We are hoping to post daily on where we are and what we are doing. The trip is until 18th May.

Brockholds Manor Garden Theatre presents PYGMALION - BOOKING NOW OPEN!

Contact Juliet on 01920 822113. On Saturday 6th August, George Bernard Shaw’s masterpiece will be brought to the stage by a cast of 5 actors in DOT productions’ unmistakeable, entertaining style. Gates open 5 p.m. Prosecco on arrival. 2-Course Buffet Supper. Licensed Wine and Pimm’s Bar. £45 per ticket, or £40 per ticket for car share of 4 or more. All profits to benefit St Catherine's re-ordering fund.

Support for the foodbank:

For some years, we’ve supported Buntingford foodbank, which supports families in Buntingford and surrounding villages, including our own, and is increasingly in demand. We have collection boxes in all our churches, and we arrange online deliveries directly to the collection point in Buntingford. In 2020, our average order was £320. It is now £746, and still growing. If you can, please help us continue our support. Please let neighbours, friends, relatives know about the work that Karen and her team are doing. If you need to make use of the foodbank she is ready to help.

Rotas of all sorts – still more help needed, please:

This notice has been running for some time now, but we still don’t have enough volunteers in some areas. Please consider prayerfully whether you can help. We need help, please, with the following rotas:

All Saints:

- Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every couple of months – speak to Pauline

- Flower arranging – no previous experience needed! - speak to Deborah or Heather

- Welcoming and serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to any of the current team

- Reading or leading intercessions in services – speak to a churchwarden

- Helping with café on Wednesday afternoons – speak to Carole or Deborah

St Mary’s:

- Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every 6 weeks – speak to Rita

- Helping in the churchyard, 1st Saturday morning of each month – speak to Mike or Sarah

- Bell ringing (practice night Tuesday) – speak to Tracey

- Welcoming or serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to Angie or Wendy

- Reading or leading intercessions in church – speak to Angie or Wendy

- Joining the streaming rota to be set up in the near future – speak to Angie or Rich


Our new benefice website is hosted on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform - go to the site and search for our churches (the benefice page is: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/benefice). There is lots of interesting information on the site, and all the latest benefice updates (including upcoming services and events, the latest notices sheet to download, weekly updates and prayer topics, and much more!).

Services for the next few weeks

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Catherine’s

Wednesdays, 9.30 am Morning worship & Bible study, St Mary’s

Sunday services:

Sunday 15th May 8.00 am Ante communion, St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship, All Saints

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 22nd May 10.30 am Morning worship & baptism, St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

6.30 pm Jubilee choral evensong, St Mary’s

Sunday 29th May 10.30 am Morning worship, St Catherine’s

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 5th June 8.00 am Holy communion, St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship, All Saints